Friday, April 4, 2008

I Amazed Myself...

I left the classroom today and heard deafening rock music blaring. I followed the sound to see where it was coming from. The noise led me to weight lifting room where 30 sweating and stinking young men were pumping iron. One senior was struggling to get a load back up and and I watched as his two spotters helped him get the bar back onto the rack. 245 lbs. The bar weighs 45lbs and there were 2 sets of 50's on it. I have not even tried to do such a thing for many years. (Maybe 10?)and so with much doubt and consternation I decided to try. I racked it twice. WOW! I amazed myself. I thought much computer work and studying was rendering me fat and useless. I think that I need to set a goal for 350lbs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wish I could do that!
