Sunday, June 22, 2008

Those Crazy Canadians

Just great! I am heading to Canada next week and I will have to share the road with those crazy Canadian truck drivers. I will have to ask JB to say an extra prayer for me. He is probably desensitized to this kind of thing. This is what we are allowing free access to our country? What else will they do? What if a home had been in the way? What if.......? According to the person who originally wrote about this, the Canadian driver had only been in the U.S. a few months. He had missed his turn by Billings MT. And figured he could go over the hill and continue on the road. Apparently he didn't know there were rail tracks on top of the grade which doesn't matter, he'd be stuck anyhow..... The truck owner figures the driver had to hit the angle at over 55 miles an hour in order to make the top. If you look close at some of the pictures, you will see that it is only when the trailer pinched the rear tires of the truck that the truck stopped......


tim said...

in trucking there are two definitions of "speed"....this driver was apparently heavily involved with both.

The Pastor of a Small Rural Church said...

