Friday, November 21, 2008

Be Sure Your Sin Will Find You Out

My kids this past summer were playing by the garage and I thought I heard pebbles hitting the roof . I quickly ran over to see what was going on. They all claimed that they had not done anything wrong or thrown anything. Of course I could not see the brown rocks on the brown steel roof. Today the snow started to melt and slide over the edge. The heat of the tractor warmed the roof and as it slid down the cold temperatures froze it. The little brown rocks came sliding along. I guess I was right and they had been throwing stones up there.

It was easy to find out which one was the guilty one when I showed all 4 these photos of incrimination.... Kendra started to sob and said "Sorry Daddy". She is so precious! The other ones were guilty as well but were not as sorrowful.


Melanie C. said...

:-) ain't they precious??!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my. Yes, those things do catch up with us. Now you give that precious little one another hug from me.----mary h