Saturday, March 14, 2009

Indy Convention Pics

Opening of the convention: Jerry Glick leading singing, Rowan Fay, Mark Cravens, Dwight Rhine, and Clair Sams.

Rowan Fay - Mr. Bus himself! Don't you love his tie.

Union Bible College Choir ready to sing.

Panel discussion: James Plank, James Southerland, John Petit, Chris Cravens, and Craig Dahler.

Rowan Fay speaking on contagious leadership.

A new favorite restaurant.

Tom Rodgers couldn't get enough!

At Cracker Barrel

Jerry and Janiece Cooper
Another new favorite!

Daryl Muir, Marilyn Muir, Dustin Muir - hiding behind Marilyn, Valerie Rice, Elizabeth Rice, and Bruce Robson.

Tom Rodgers ready for a snooze you will see a picture of later!

Fresh custard being made.

Waiting at the last service for a set of CD's.

You see the jacket Duane Quesenberry is wearing?

I could not find mine....

I did not realize my jacket was that large...
Sorry Duane - I could not resist!

Tom caught Blaine Cosner trying to get some shut eye.
Here is Tom Rodgers loudly sawing wood.
We could hear him clear across the hall.

On the way home Daryl making a racket as well.

Dad faithfully drove us from Dayton home,

1 comment:

Jon Earls said...

I first ate at Culver's several years ago out in South Dakota and I seriously get craving it from time to time. The last time I was in Kentucky, on my way home to Georgia, I knew there was a Culver's off of one of the exits and so I drove all over the place looking for it! It took me forever but I finally found it! :-) I wish I had the money to open a franchise in Georgia!