Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Kenton's Squirrel Part I

Flashback to last year......

Kenton posing with his first squirrel.

He was 6 then and now has shot 10. His first year he "grand slammed" in squirrel hunting with 1 of each kind. He shot 5 greys, 1 red, 1 fox, and the coveted black. He like to tease me since I have never shot a black one myself. What he fails to realise is that I could have shot the black one about 4 times, but I wanted him to get it. The black squirrel was very elusive and had many tricks up his sleeve.

We took the grey squirrel to Daryl Muir's last year under one condition - Kenton wanted to watch the process. We finally got our schedules together and had an enjoyable time as usual.

The hide at the very start. There was a lot of preparation work before this point: careful skinning, tanning and fleshing.

Daryl Muir preparing the form for the hide.

Kenton helped me cut the tree down and we made a habitat base with it.

The very drowned rat looking hide.

Molding in the eyes, ears and whisker indents.

The hide and the form ready to get "fitted".

Filling the paws with Silicone.

Inserting the wire and foam tail piece.

Placing the tail into place.

Painting on the glue to the form.

Sliding the hide onto the form.

Mouth before pinning.

Tucking the tummy folds

Tucking the ear into place.

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