Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hometown Hero

Most of the time you hear in the news of people doing things that are brave. Many times things go unnoticed. This time our dear friend and congregant Larry Miller got the bad end of the deal trying to help a young boy not get trampled by a cow at the local livestock auction sale barn. He grabbed the boy and pulled him to safety just before the bull and gate got the best of him. He picked himself up and got in his truck and drove home. His small finger was about tore off taking 11 stitches to sew it up and his right arm was broke. I saw the X-rays and realized to drive home in all that pain would been terrible. He never said anything to anyone, never planned on suing the action house, he did not ask to be driven home, he drove home homself 20 to 30 mph and he did not call his pastor till 3 days after. I am sure some parent somewhere is totaly unaware what happened but would be thankful their child was saved from being trampled by a cow.
They will never know who was the 82 year old hero was.
Thanks Larry!

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