Saturday, October 18, 2008

Papa Pours a Sidewalk

I do not have time to elaborate: I am busy; I need a sidewalk poured; Dad always wants to spend quality time with grand kids = Dad pours sidewalk.

Small explanation: I was in my office working on my portfolio and ran over to watch. My wife makes fun of me in my "slippers", and so I make fun of myself so it is not so funny for her. It did not work she took a picture. It is hard to get respect around here! :)

This is the way we play with mud, play with mud, play with mud....

Dinner came out before we finished.....and so we set our plates down. The cat promptly jumped up and chowed down. I was generous and let Blacky eat the whole plate.

1 comment:

Melanie C. said...

Yes, the slippers are a nice touch! :-) I loved the pictures of the kids helping their Papa! Why is it when we are young we LOVE to help and the older we get - it's not so much fun...?