Saturday, August 16, 2008

The New Entryway into the Sanctuary

Cutting the first hole in the wall.
Hoping to find some buried gold in the walls.
Notching the 8x8 beams.

Father and son conferring.

Vincent earning go-cart riding time.

Fitting the header in.

Blaine Cosner was my cut man.

Cutting out the old support beam.

The new opening. In the back of the photo you can see support studs. They are holding the trusses up in the outer addition until the third header is built.

Everyone is excited about the changes that are happening. It will make our sanctuary much more efficient. The seating capacity will be greater by having the pews running lengthwise. It was a big change that only a couple did not like. The rest are very happy at the changes. When dealing with building programs you always run into the area of not being able to please everyone. So far with only minor loss in 3 1/2 years our building program has run very smoothly.

I am just getting nervous when we get to the part of choosing the chandeliers. We may have a church split and people will take their money and leave if we don't choose what kind they want. After all...where are we going to put it and who is going to play it? LOL. I guess most will understand the attempted humor in the chandelier joke.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's looking good, Byron! ummmmm, about the joke, well, let's just say that sometimes your humor is scary...take that as you will! ROFL!