Saturday, February 2, 2008

We Have Heat!!!

We installed a new furnace in our home today and my wife is very very happy. The greatest part about it is that we feel warm. What felt the same with the old furnace and thermostat control set at 74, the new 90% efficiency furnace and electronic thermostat does the same at 68. The old furnace had the fan motor going bad and was only blowing about 25% of what the new one blows at. The target on the inside of the old furnace had melted over time and we were not able to buy a replacement. I guess that is what happens when something gets to the 25 year old mark. The kids rooms are now nice and warm. No more bunking in the livingroom when it gets real cold out.
George Randall picked up our furnace and delivered it the other day.

Dad and I uncrate it and discuss what all we have to do.

Dad working at unhooking everything and removing the old exhaust pipe.

The next two pics show the furnace area empty and ready for the new furnace.

Prepping the bottom of the furnace for the gas line entry.

In and ready for the intake and exhaust lines.

Finally in and running and keeping Julie very happy!!

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