While at Daryl and Marilyn Muirs for fellowship and taxidermy work on Kenton's squirrel, we inevitably eat at Chef Pengs. It is my favorite Chinese restaurant. We brought home some leftovers and I kept them hid from the devouring eyes of the kids. Julie suggested I eat it for midnight snack so they would not be asking for any. If they started in on my favorite meal it would have been annihilated in about 2 minutes and I would have only gotten about two bites. Last night for supper I passed on heating up my "General Tso's" for a bite of Wal Mart's frozen pizza, which for a loaded 16" extra large for 6 dollars is not bad. Finally this morning with one kid out feeding the animals two still in bed and one getting ready to get on the bus, I heated it up in the little toaster oven and readied to eat. Here came Vincent with his book bag ready to jump on the bus and sat down by me to finish his pop tart. I was hoping he would not smell my food. He was munching along and I propped up his book bag so that he could not see my treasure. Then I started feeling guilty. Should I offer him some...then if I do and the others find out they did not get any they will be upset....so I decided not to. The bus came and he quickly left me to finish in peace for only about a half of a minute till Kenton came back in from feeding the cows and I started giving him directives to go back and check to see the door was shut then several other things to keep him occupied. While that was going on the girls were getting up and wandering my way...I quickly ate the last bite and realized that this whole scenario was only going to get worse as the kids get older. My guilty feeling slowly left me as I plotted how and when I was going to eat the last half of the meal later in the afternoon.....send Kenton on a long walk in the woods to find a monster buck rub, put the girls down for a nap and send Julie to town for tape so I can ship out some ammunition to a customer in Maine...and then I will chow down on the rest of the spicy cuisine!
The ammunition to Maine is a 700 Nitro Express. I included a small pic of what it looks like in comparison to a .270 Winchester.

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