Friday, January 11, 2008


There is nothing more startling than to surf from blog to blog and find out about the happenings of our family and friends and some song starts blaring across the speakers. Pretty weird especially if you already have some nice tranquil classical music playing and some raucous song like "Sway" by Michael Buble starts to pound through the speakers overpowering and clashing with the peaceful music that you had already selected. I will not name any names even my sister in law who just started a I mean a blog.

You can stop at your local pizza shop pop a quarter in and you get to pick your song. I did that one time in Salem Ohio at a Taco Bell for my wife (how romantic of me). The only problem was I had never used a jukebox before and somehow I had entered the incorrect number. Instead of a nice love song softly playing a pounding rock song by Def Leopard or some other group I had never heard before. As the wrong song was blaring from the speakers I embarrassingly slunk away with everyone in the store looking to see who has just started the song. They actually did not think as much about it as I did at the time.

At least I can not holler about a quarter that I just lost for playing a song I don't want to hear. I just quickly and frantically scroll all over the blog looking for that little box with the equalizers jumping up and down and click the pause button.

So if you have a jukeblog do not feel offended as long as you have a pause button. By the way Shandra I liked Michael Buble....oops I guess I wasn't going to say who. Sorry about that! :wink:

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