Sunday, January 6, 2008

I Have Been Googled

Since starting my blog I have kept track of who visits my blog and how they linked it. I have received many hits from Europe over a County tractor that I had posted for my neighbor. The tractor was built in England and used allot accros the pond and other countries. Well today I found that someone in Cincinati Ohio was looking for a joke apperantly for their church bulletin. They searched for: January 2008 church joke of week. 2008 church joke of week&hl=en&start=10&sa=N

If you go to that link you can see that my blog hit number 7 on the list. Not bad. I guess my joke about the Montana trooper did it.

In Missoula Monatana I was googled for Pastor Humor. humor&hl=en&rlz=1T4GFRD_enUS239US239&start=60&sa=N

In Saginaw Michigan I was googled for Hillbilly Jokes 2008. jokes 2008

Then I found I was googled for a garbage escape from Lynwood Washington. garbage&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8

Then I continued to find more and I realized it happens all the time. Duh!! I guess I had better watch what I write.

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